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Now that many companies, including banks have restarted dividend payments, it is a really good time to boost the income from your portfolio.
The current yield on the FTSE100 is over 3%. Some sectors are well over that, such as Tobacco at 9.1%, Oil at 5.3% and Utilities at 5%.
Don't forget that unless you pay higher rate tax, those yields are NET figures.
This is likely to be a boom year apart from dividend yields, so now looks like a good time to actually make decent money from the FTSE350 companies again.

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Includes P/Es, Dividend cover, Yields, MCaps and rankings, 2 Year highs and lows, Ex Dividend Dates,
Payment Dates, Amounts paid at Interims, Quarters and Finals.
Now includes Personal Dividend Amount Calculator and
Seven Year Dividend History
For a fuller description of the data provided, please click here

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